Our Bulletproof Government and Municipalities Projects

Warren-Burger Federal Building-edit

Government facilities are one place we routinely suggest high levels of ballistic protection. Despite the reputation of being bulky and obtrusive, TSS designs projects that look elegant in government buildings. Barriers fit seamlessly into the space, creating a secure work environment that not only protects people, but looks great, too. 

Bulletproof Glass Protects Public Servants and Aesthetics

Federal Courthouse Building Exterior IMG_3398 DSCN0758-edit Upper Saucon New Vestibule

TSS designs, engineers, manufacturers, and installs all types of bulletproof government building security systems using bulletproof glass and fiberglass, including:

We design custom solutions based on your municipality’s unique needs. If you’re looking for bulletproof government security solutions, don’t wait to contact TSS.

Government Security Solution Highlight: the Roxbury Window

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A government agency approached TSS about designing a transaction window for their government offices across the country. Their office in Roxbury, Massachusetts had experienced an incident and officials wanted to ensure the rest of their branches were protected. So, our team created a custom transaction window with a high level of sound transmission that met their needs perfectly. These windows, which are named after the original inspiration in Roxbury, are still used across the country today.

Read The Story

Retrofitting Existing and Historic Government Buildings

Install Photo Install photos Duberstien Job 23055 14 BULLETPROOF Government Building Bulletproof Retrofit Govt_181209_121
Many of our bulletproof glass government building projects are for existing structures. Sometimes, we need to add a bulletproof glass transaction window to their reception area, or a bulletproof guard booth to the building entryway. When we work in historic buildings, we are able to install complex barriers without disturbing historic features like molding, floors, and walls.

Bulletproof Guard Booths, Transaction Windows, and Other Government Security Solutions

Govt_170622_098 Abilene Law Enforcement Center Emmet J Bean Federal Center Building Seattle Municipal Courthouse Guard Booth 1 Anaheim Park Guard Booth
Many government and municipal offices come to TSS looking for Level 8 bulletproof glass and other highly protective ballistic barriers. We design, engineer, manufacture, and install these bulletproof government building security systems, ensuring staff and officials have what they need to be safe. For many government agencies, these bulletproof systems include bulletproof guard booths, bulletproof transaction windows, and reinforced walls and doors. 

Case Study: Securing Government Building Entryways with Vantage Construction


Working with Vantage, TSS retrofitted ten security booths with Level 3 ballistic materials.
The systems act as a crime deterrent and give employees more security at the facility’s
public entrances. The results met the customer’s high expectations, and Vantage has already
approached TSS with additional projects.

Read The Case Study

Protect Your Government Workers with Our Proven Process

TSS has developed a unique method for ensuring your project is done right the first time, every time. It’s called our Proven Process.
If you’re interested in securing your government building, TSS is ready to put our Proven Process to work for you. To read more about how our proven process works in application, visit our capabilities page.

Contact TSS Today

If you need to add bulletproof barriers to your government building, don’t wait to schedule a free consultation with one of our ballistic experts. We can help you understand your threat level, identify the right UL level of protection for your government building, and design a bulletproof barrier that meets your needs. Send us a message and we’ll schedule a time to talk—we look forward to hearing from you!